Member Benefits/Services

Members of the Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association receive both tangible and non-tangible benefits, but the most important benefit is the opportunity to influence and protect your profession, your livelihood, and the care of your patients.

Here's how PPA serves its members and are committed to your success!


PPA provides a unified, strong and collective voice on state legislative and regulatory issues, providing lobbying efforts supporting pharmacists and patient care in Pennsylvania. Our goal is to keep you informed and involved in the legislative and regulatory process in Pennsylvania. 

Information and Resources

Through our twice weekly enewsletter, The PPA Capsule+ and our website, PPA members are kept abreast of pharmacy issues and events. The PPA Capsule+ also informs members regarding issues that impact Pharmacists, pharmacies, patient care and general healthcare matters in the Commonwealth and U.S. 

Education and Professional Development

PPA provides continuing education in a variety of ways, including live webinars, online and on demand recorded programs, home studies and CE programming at PPA conferences. Many of these CE programs are offered for credits that satisfy Pennsylvania Pharmacists Licensure requirements. These events provide opportunities for professional networking with your peers. 

Business and Personal Services

PPA offers a number of special programs, many of which offer significant discounts to our members. While others are simply helpful programs that members may want to consider utilizing.

Networking Opportunities and Making Connections

PPA offers avenues to interact with your peers in pharmacy, engage through volunteer committees and opportunities to attend events.  If you are interested in participating in any of the following, please contact PPA.

Contact Us

Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association
508 North Third Street Harrisburg, PA 17101
Phone: 717.234.6151

Privacy Policy

Your privacy and security are important to the Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association. Click here to view the full Privacy Policy.

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